Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


Risultati per: gatt

Numero di risultati: 2 in 1 pagine

  • Pagina 1 di 1

WTO, GATT, Tax Treaties and international taxation: the effects of their interactions and the possibilities of conflict - abstract in versione elettronica

Cappadona, Gerlando 2 occorrenze
  • 2004
  • DoGi - Dottrina Giuridica
  • diritto
  • w
  • Scarica XML

WTO, GATT, Tax Treaties and international taxation: the effects of their interactions and the possibilities of conflict - abstract in versione elettronica

WTO, GATT, Tax Treaties and international taxation: the effects of their interactions and the possibilities of conflict

WTO, GATT, Tax Treaties and international taxation: the effects of their interactions and the possibilities of conflict - abstract in versione elettronica

In questo articolo l'A. analizza le norme dei trattati istitutivi dell'OMC, del GATT e del GATS allo scopo di verificare se quest'ultimi configgono


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